Constant methamphetamine detection and alarm

Methalarm detectors identify the consumption and manufacture of methamphetamine in property.  Methalarm devices protect a variety of tenanted properties and municipal facilities from the contamination caused through meth use and manufacture.

Protect property

Methalarm methamphetamine detectors reduce the likelihood of serious  contamination which results in significant insurance, rebuild and abatement costs. 

This proactive methamphetamine detector takes away the guess work. If smoking and / or manufacturing of methamphetamine is detected, an immediate Alarm Activation will occur, the methamphetamine detector will send a SMS or Email Alert to your mobile phone or Email.

Our methamphetamine detectors also eliminate the need to test between tenancies.

Our methamphetamine detectors conduct: 48 tests per day, 366 tests over 7 days, 1,464 tests per month, 17,568 tests per year.

Protect tenants

Residual environmental methamphetamine contamination (second-degree contamination) can cause chronic illness in tenants neighboring contaminated tenancies.

Meth particles can travel through vents, ducting and access corridors and affect tenants who are unrelated to the user.


Only $899 (USD) for the Methalarm bundle.  Including one sensor, first year Methalarm platform access and first year network connection.

Annual subscription total fees $288 (USD) for annual platform access and network connection, payable on anniversary of purchase.

Worldwide delivery. Your Methamphetamine detectors will be shipped and delivered within 5-10 working days.  

Use promo code MTAA to receive an exclusive 5% discount!  Add the promo code at checkout.

Monitor for methamphetamine use, manufacture and contamination on a constant basis.

  • The Methalarm tests the air for methamphetamine every 30 minutes.
  • Conducting 48 tests per day, 366 tests over 7 days, 1,464 tests per month, 17,568 tests per year.
  • Alerts are delivered to your mobile via email and text message or via the Methalarm platform.

Have Questions?

Contact us… we’re direct representatives for MethAlarms!

Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance and Kathi McCarty as an individual do not make any representations as to the accuracy or effectiveness of this product.  We have conducted our due diligence after an extensive search to find solutions that will support consumers.  You are advised to conduct your own due diligence prior to purchase.