National Links
Protect Yourself
If you suspect your home is contaminated with meth toxins – or want to be certain it isn’t – you need to choose a certified professional to test the property.
To know what legal protections you have or what rules are in effect around reporting and remediation, you need to check your state’s laws, and regulations, and resources.
The links below can help you identify
your local agencies and resources.
Colorado Department Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) SITE LINKS
Colorado Methamphetamine Cleanup Requirements
Improve the Rules
Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance advocates for improved regulations and requirements regarding meth contamination.
We act on a three-part strategy – Education, Resources, and Legislation – to help you make informed decisions regarding meth detection, remediation, and recovery.
What do we want to change?
- We want standard guidelines across the country for addressing meth contamination – some states presently have no standards at all!
- We want meth toxins contamination to be part of every home inspection in the house-buying process.
- We want remediation standards that ensure that decontaminated homes pose no health threats to the residents.
- And more….
In Colorado, we are in discussions with supportive state legislators and industry leaders to introduce a bill for improved disclosure in real estate transactions.
Interested in learning more?
Meth Toxins Awareness Alliance provides specialized resources and reliable support to help property owners, renters, and buyers protect their family, investments, and community from meth contamination.
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Check out the various ways in which we will raise awareness and provide information on meth toxins contaminations.